:: LaguKu UntukMu ::

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!!

Sebenarnya dah happy belated birthday..anyway thanks for all the wishes i received. Really appreciated it. My family : mama, abah, abang, abul, dekya, kak ngah, ibu n kak ana. My frens : fizzone, naim, nadia n others kat facebook, my students...terima kasih atas ucapan2 anda semua. Special thanks to Kak Shidah for the gift and treat. Terima 2 days before my birthday lagi. suka sgt hadiah tu. ley pakai gi dating..hehehe. and to mama, thanks also for the present.

** i share the same birthdate with patty (ex seratasian) and daughter of my officemate, Eisya..happy birthday girls!!


  1. Happy birthday! Patut lah berseri2 hari nie..."ley pakai pegi dating?"...nie nak kena skodeng nih...hehe....

  2. to my dearie ina...hehe....puji2 dulu sebab dh belated wish kan huhu....happy belated birthday from us...semoga bahagia sokmo...ceria2 selalu...kish2 from emran to maklong ina...muahhssss :-D

  3. Kak Maz : Nak skodeng?takkan jumpa punya..lainla Kak Maz, memang selalu Zarin terskodeng..hahaha..

    EmranReza: Thank you Kak Long..rindu kat emran..dah lama tak jumpa
